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Thoughts & Inspiration

I have been interested in going on a mission trip for the past few years but have been scared to commit to going on one. My fears presented themselves by way of me making excuses, mainly that I was just too busy and didn’t have time to go on a mission trip. This year God has made some changes in my life so I could no longer use busyness as an excuse. This December I am graduating from Anderson University and due to the pandemic, my post-graduation plans have been postponed until the summer. At first, I was frustrated and upset by my plans being postponed because I had no idea what I was supposed to do for three months. I had spent months carefully planning what my life was going to look like after graduation, and I feel like all my time and energy had been wasted due to repeated cancellations. I was feeling stressed and hopeless when God placed on my heart to look into different missions opportunities. God had cleared my schedule so I could no longer use my plans as an excuse for not doing His work. Christ was able to change my mindset so I was able to see my plans being cancelled as an opportunity for something better and not as a burden. God made a way for the plan that was always in place for me, despite the plan I made for myself.

I started looking into different mission opportunities and started to prayerfully consider the available options when I found the World Race. The World Race stood out to me because it offers the unique opportunity to help with special needs ministry, which is something close to my heart. I love working with people with special needs and over the past few years God has allowed me to foster this love through volunteering at the hospital and at various children’s camps. Christ knew this is something I am passionate about, so He led me to a trip that was fit to my interests.

I decided to put my trust in God and apply for the program despite my fears. I am someone who generally likes to have a plan and be in control, but this past year God has been teaching me that His plans are always better than any of my plans. Going on missions was the last thing that I thought I would be doing next semester, but I am so excited to partner with God on this journey.